About Me

While I have always loved coming up with story ideas and concepts for new and interesting worlds, it's never really been a focus in my life. I definitely tried my hand at writing every once in a while, when I was a kid, but I never would have even considered it a hobby.

In mid 2020, I was feeling a little bit of inspiration to work on my perennially recurring project, The New Dawn Franchise. After watching an Artifexian video, with an add for some writing/worldbuilding software, I make a quick impulse purchase and that was that. Having somewhere now to put down all of the information that had lived inside my head for well over a decade was a huge help in actually moving forward with the project. However, after not too long I stalled on it again. This time though, there wasn't any risk of me forgetting everything, because it was actually written down somewhere, which was definitely a relief.

Not long after this, I became active in some online writing communities, which resulted in me actually sitting down and starting work on writing a novel for the first time. While that novel is still on progress, working on it has definitely taught me a lot. I have since branched out into a variety of different project, including one completed novella, another novel, some short stories and a massive worldbuilding project.

Since then, I've remained involved in a variety on online writing communities, come and gone from others and learned a lot about writing along the way. In that journey, I've developed a lot of thoughts on a lot of different topics related to writing and worldbuilding, which lead me here. My first articles weren't really meant to be articles posted somewhere, instead they were really just a way to get down my thoughts on some topics in a more formalized manner, so I could be a bit more consistent when discussing these topics with others. After writing them, however, I figured there wasn't really a reason to put them up somewhere, since, "hey, someone might be interested." And thus began this project, it motivates me to really think about a wider variety of technical, conceptual and creative ideas and really formalized my thoughts on the topics.

More recently, I've gotten really into TTRPGs. I started playing them back in high school (D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder back then) but then spent a number of years where I really wasnt able to put a table together. (ran a short-lived systemless campaing, and played some one-shots in that span) Towards the end of 2022, however, I finally managed to put together a game of D&D 5e, then in early 2022 started playing at a local game cafe weekly. Towards the beginning of 2023, when chatting with a friend (a player in my home game, and former roommate) we had a bit of a back and forth, postulating what types of mechanics we might want in a system, if we were to design one ourselves. He went out for the day, and by the time he was back home and messaged me I had already gone off and written 1500 words of a core ruleset. And I didn't stop there. Over the course of the year I've built out most of the core rules and content (classes, items, special actions, etc) and am currently in the process of getting it ready for playtesting. I have a lot of plans for the system in the futures, and will hopefully continue it's development long into the future.

As of right now, I'm spending most of my free time working on finishing the first draft of that original novel, getting Fables of Folly & Legend (the TTRPG system) ready for playtest and writing articles for this very site, so thanks for checking it out!