New Dawn

The New Dawn Franchise is by far my biggest and oldest project. The initial concept for the project began back in middle school and it has changes, evolved and grown so much since then.

This project is set in a fictionalized version of Earth. It is, by my current plotting, comprised of nine feature films and twelve television shows. Totalling sixty-nine seasons of television, or 1104 individual episodes, over the span of nine years.

I have completed the season-by-season plotting and am currently working on plotting out the individual episodes for a handful of the tv shows. I have fully plotted the first movie.

I am hoping to begin writing screenplays for the first film and some of the TV shows' first seasons starting sometime next year.

Also, with regard to the name of the project, it was based on a single line that I wanted one of the characters to say at the end of the first movie, and the line, after many changes, no longer makes any sense whatsoever and will no longer be in the film, so the name of the franchise will very likely change in the near future.

This project is not currently available to view on Campfire Explore, but I definitely hope to make it available someday.