

FOFL Dev Log #1

Fables of Folly & Legend (FOFL) is a tabletop roleplaying game which I have been developing since January of this year. I have made significant progress in that time, and am optimistic about getting the system playtest ready before the end of the year. This article, and future development logs, will serve both to keep myself accountable about my progress, as well as to share with others who may be interested in the system's progress.

On Prologues

At this point, I’ve spent quite a lot of time in various, quite different, online writing communities. One thing I’ve seen crop up more often than almost anything else, is the desire of many authors to include a prologue in their novels. The exact reason for this could definitely be debated, but I think this makes it an especially important topic to discuss. Prologues can certainly add a lot to your novel, if used correctly, but identifying when a prologue should be included, and using one properly, is not something I have seen discussed as much as many other topics.